Complaints procedure
All Jenny Moody Properties homeowners have a point of contact, this will be the person you speak to regards any snagging queries. Should you be dissatisfied with their response you would then begin the complaints procedure as stated below;
we treat all complaints seriously, whether they are made by letter or by email
you will be treated with courtesy and fairness at all times - we would hope, too, that you will be courteous and fair in your dealings with our staff at all times
we will deal with your complaint promptly - we will acknowledge receipt of a written complaint within 5 working days and we will send you a full reply within 20 working days of receipt
if we cannot send a full reply within 20 working days of receipt we will tell you the reason why and let you know when we will be able to reply in full
You can make a complaint by email or post.
You can send an email to reception@jennymoodyproperties.co.uk or in writing to Jenny Moody Properties, Hoe Mill Barns, Manor Road, Woodham Walter, Essex, CM9 6GH
One of the management team will review your complaint and their response will be sent via email.
If you remain dissatisfied;
All our properties are covered by NHBC 10 year warranty. To raise a case with them you can visit their website www.nhbc.co.uk or visit The Consumer Code website https://consumercode.co.uk